Unit convertor in C program with source code
Introduction Unit convertor is a c programming based project. It converts one single unit into different units. Unit convertor is easy to use.
Introduction Unit convertor is a c programming based project. It converts one single unit into different units. Unit convertor is easy to use.
Introduction Calculator project is a simple calculator based mini C programming based project. It is easy to use, understand, and implement.
Introduction Interact project is a business based front-end site. This project represents a business website. It is responsive, easy to use and implement.
Introduction A hirst painting is a random painting made with hirst. It generally creates dot patterns with different colors. We use python turtles library.
Introduction Sending mail is a great feature that python provides. We can send mail in real-time by using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
Introduction A Spirograph is a geometric drawing device that is used to draw a pattern of cyclical curved lines. We can create our own Spirograph device using python turtles.
Introduction Chatbot is a python based project. A chatbot is a computer program that interacts with human conversation through voice or text. It is built using python programming.
Introduction Business project is a front end based site. This project represents the business website. The site provides the detailed information about business. It is simple and responsive.
Introduction Random number generator is a mini project in c plus plus(C++). It is a simple C++ programming-based project.
Introduction School billing system project is a school’s project. It is a c programming-based project. This project deals with activities that happen in school.