Github profile in javascript
Introduction Github profile project allows you to search the users in GitHub. It is a web-based project. This project is coded in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
Introduction Github profile project allows you to search the users in GitHub. It is a web-based project. This project is coded in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
Introduction Tip calculator is a python based project. It is useful for calculating and giving a tip in a restaurant. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Grade calculator is a small programming exercise made with JavaScript. It is useful for finding the grade of students based on percentage.
Introduction Prime checker is a python based programming project. This program checks whether the number primer or not prime.
Introduction Voting system is a c programming based project. It provides the sample for voting your candidate. It is easy to use, implement and understand.
Introduction ATM machine is a c programming based project. It provides the sample interface that appears on ATM machine while depositing and withdrawing money.
Introduction Music player app is a music-based python project. It is a music player app that plays music from your computer. It is coded in python programming.
Introduction Drawing app is a simple drawing-based web project. This allows you to draw anything on your screen. It is built using programs like, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3.
Introduction Calendar project is a c program based project that shows information like day, date, month etc. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Leap year is a year containing an extra day. Usually, a year has 365 days. The year where February has 29 days is referred as Leap.