Creating a Unit converter in python tkinter
Introduction Unit converter program is a python Tkinter based project. It generally converts one type of unit to another unit. Such as m to km, cm to m, …etc.
Introduction Unit converter program is a python Tkinter based project. It generally converts one type of unit to another unit. Such as m to km, cm to m, …etc.
Introduction Application layer is the seventh and the uppermost layer of the OSI reference model. It provides an interface that a person interacts with an application.
Introduction Kanye quotes generator is a python Tkinter based project. It generates quotes while clicking a button. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Language learner app is a GUI based python tkinter project. Language learner is very useful for learning different country languages.
Introduction Tkinter menu bar is a place where menu items are placed for performing a special tasks. Such as add, new, save, print, etc. It is a very useful bar that is mostly used.
Introduction Map marker is a python turtle-based project. Map marker project marks the country name on the map. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Notepad project is a simple text editor using python GUI. This project is coded in a python programming language. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Music player app is a music-based python project. It is a music player app that plays music from your computer. It is coded in python programming.