Higher lower game in python with source code
Introduction Higher lower project is a game-based project. It is coded in python programming. Higher lower is a game where the user has to guess who has the highest follower.
Introduction Higher lower project is a game-based project. It is coded in python programming. Higher lower is a game where the user has to guess who has the highest follower.
Introduction Simon game is a web-based game project. This project is coded in CSS, HTML5, and Javascript. It is easy to use.
Introduction Travel frontend site is a travel based project. It is simple and responsive. This project is a representation of a travel agency website. It provides travel-related features.
Introduction Stopwatch app is a web-based project. This project is the representation of the real stopwatch. It is simple, functional, easy to use and implement.
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Introduction Creative design frontend site is a business-based project. This project is useful for companies and agencies to showcase their portfolio. It is simple, clean, and responsive.
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Introduction Museum management system is a museum based C# project. C# is simple. Modern and general-purpose programming language. The system project is a console app.
Introduction Verify Account UI is a web-based project. This dialogue message appears when you verify your email. It is coded in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.
Introduction Electric bill calculator is a c programming based project. It generates the total price of electric bill by calculating the unit consumed.