Bounce game in python with source code

Bounce game in python with source code


Bounce game is a python game based project. It is build using python programming. It is easy to use and understand.

The bounce game project is using python version 3. It is an interesting game. Python is a general-purpose high-level programming. It is useful for developing desktop GUI, websites, and web apps. This game is using GUI (Graphical user interface). For using GUI in python you must install Tkinter python module.

When you execute the project you will see a square window with some text. You must press the enter key to play the game. Every time the ball hits other balls on the top row, you will get the score. The score will be shown at the bottom of the window. You can use the space bar to pause and play the game. The left and right button for moving the bar. See some output below.

More about bounce game

There are many balls on the top and a ball will small bar on the bottom. The ball on bottom must break all the balls on the top to be a winner. If the ball touches the ground the game will be over. This bounce game is using random library also. Every time you execute the game you will see a new color player ball.

This project has a graphical user interface. Further, it uses def, if-else, and many other functions. This project will be fruitful for beginners to enhance their skills. You will learn new skills in this code. The project will be productive for you. Download the project and use the code by yourself.

How to use this project?

  • Install python version 3.
  • Download the project.
  • Set up an editor or IDE. (vs code, pycharm, anoconda)
  • Open the python file in an editor.
  • Execute the program.
  • Play the game
  • Enjoy!

Click the download button below to get the source code for this project.