School billing system in C with source code

School billing system in C with source code


School billing system project is a school’s project. It is a c programming-based project. This project deals with activities that happen in school.

School billing system project is coded in c programming. This project is good for learning and understanding c programming. Well this project student billing system deals with paying fees and collecting salaries. Although it has command-line interface it is very easy to use and implement. It is a very useful project. This project student billing system has a simple layout with lots of features included. You need to compile and execute the project.

The source code for this project is provided along in this article. When you execute the project you will see some welcome text on the screen. You can press any key to start this project. School billing system deals with all the activities happen in school. You will see three menus where you can login as student and teachers. This project has different options for teachers and students. See the screenshots below.

school billing system

School billing system

You must provide the current month and date in order to login as teacher or student. The student can add record of the month when he pays his/her fees. They can search record if they are not sure. Also the project lets student to modify and delete records. There is an option called calculate fee where student can get their total fee. You need to provide the asked information to get your fees. See the screenshots below.

Student billing system student

When you login as teacher you will see the same pattern as in student section. This student billing system lets the teacher to add their record, search, modify, delete record and calculate salary. While adding record the teacher must provide their information such as name, id date, salary, teaching shift etc. Teachers can calculate their salary which are to be paid. Also they can modify and delete their records. You can exit anytime from the system. See the screenshot below.

Student billing system teacher

This is how the system works. You will see an awesome animation while exiting from the system. It is easy to understand the project code too. The project saves your record in txt file. While using this project code I highly recommend you using Dev C++ code editor. It can do both compile and execute and also easy to find out the error. Download the project and get experienced by yourself.

How to use this project?

  • Download the project.
  • Get the software Dev C++ or any other. 
  • Set up the code in editor. 
  • Compile and execute the code.
  • Use the project.
  • Enjoy and share.

Click the button below to get the source code for this school billing system project.