Foods frontend site with source code
Introduction Foods frontend site is a restaurant food-based project. This project is useful for selling a variety of foods. It is simple, clean, and responsive.
Introduction Foods frontend site is a restaurant food-based project. This project is useful for selling a variety of foods. It is simple, clean, and responsive.
Introduction Furniture project is a front-end eCommerce site. It is a web-based project. This project is easy to use and understand.
Introduction Resume and CV is a web-based project. A resume is a document that includes all the person’s information. This project is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Profile project is a portfolio front-end project. This project provides details of the users’ introduction and background in one site. It is simple and responsive.
Introduction Creative design frontend site is a business-based project. This project is useful for companies and agencies to showcase their portfolio. It is simple, clean, and responsive.
Introduction Classic car frontend site is a car-based project. It is a site built for showcasing different types of cars. This project is built for car enthusiasts.
Introduction Trillo frontend site is a hotel-based web project. It is coded in HTMl5, CSS3, SASS and JavaScript. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Event keycode is a web-based project. This project displays the keycode information of every key of a keyboard. It is coded in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
Introduction Random image feed project provides us a bunch of random images. It is coded in HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript. It is easy to use, understand and implement.
Introduction Slider project is a sliding image-based web project. It is coded in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This project deals with a sliding image with backgrounds.