Student management system in C with Source code

Student management system in C with Source code


Student management system project is a c programming based project. It has a command-line interface. It is useful for managing students in a school.

Student management system is useful for managing scholars in a school. It is a very useful tool for maintaining student’s records. Although it has command-line interface it is very easy to use and implement. It is a very useful project for beginners. This project has a lot of options. The project performs CRUD operations without errors.

You need to compile and execute the project. You can download Dev C++ editor. The source code for this project is provided along in this blog. When you execute the project you will see a loading text on screen. Pressing any key, you will reach the login screen. You need to input username as user and password as pass for main menu.

student management system

Building the project student management system

The main menu has six options. Such as Add, search, View, Delete student, update credentials and exit. The add menu allows you to add student information. Such as name, father name, date of birth and others. While the search allows you to search. You need to provide id of the scholar to search. View menu will show all the scholar’s information.

The delete menu deletes the information. You need to provide the specific id for that. The update credentials allow you to reset username and password for login. And last menu exit will terminate the system. This is how the system works. It is easy to understand the project code too. It uses bin file to store the information. Download the project and get experienced by yourself.

How to use this project?

  • Download the project.
  • Get the software Dev C++ or any other. 
  • Set up the code in editor. 
  • Compile and execute the code.
  • Use the project.
  • Enjoy and share.

Click the button below to get the source code for this project.