Snake and ladder game in C

Snake and ladder game in C


Snake and ladder game is a c programming based project. It is a prototype of traditional snake and ladder game. It is simple, easy to use and supports multiplayer.

This project is coded in C programming language. This project is good for learning and understanding c programming. C and C++ are like same but they have some common differences. The program is a snake and ladder game. The program is useful for beginners. When you execute the project, the program starts and asks you to press the enter key for rolling a dice. The dice generates a number from 1 to 6. You also can see a board of numbers that represents the virtual board.

snake and ladder game

As the player rolls a dice and get a number the coin or token is placed on the board. The first player to reach 100 place wins. You can customize and implement different logic on the board according to the programmer. You need to compile and execute the program to see how the program works. It has command-line interface. You can try juni website for learning c program in an easy and fun way. You must download program C based code editor. Such as DevC++, Turbo C, Visual studio, etc.

How to use this project?

  • Download the project & extract the source code.
  • Open DevC++ or any other.
  • Open the project file in the editor.
  • Compile and Execute.  
  • Roll a dice.
  • Enjoy your game.

Click the button below to get the source code for this project.

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