Quiz trivia android app with source code

Quiz trivia android app with source code


Quiz trivia is an android app project. It is coded in Java programming language. The app is easy to use and implement.

Java is a high-level programming language. It is a useful program useful for game and app development. Quiz trivia app works correctly without errors. It simple and fun. This app is built for educational purposes. This project will be fruitful for beginners and professional to enhance their skills. Quiz trivia uses the android volley library. We need to set up an android volley.

Android volley is useful for sending http request and get information from web API. This makes android app faster and easier. Well in this app we are using Volley for getting questions from our API. We are using free JSON API where different questions are stored. These question are retrieve and store on textview in our app. You can see some output below.

More Quiz Trivia

This has a simple interface with text, colors, buttons etc. It uses a card view where the questions display. The top heading has the app name. Below on the top right shows the questions number. The top left shows the current score and highest score. On the bottom there are several buttons. Prev, true, false, next buttons.

You press next for next questions and prev for previous. True and false button for checking answer whether true or false. Quiz trivia app uses animation for determining true and false. If the answer is false the card view will shake and gets red. Otherwise, it will fade and gets green and takes you to another question.

This app uses shared preferences for saving high scores. When the user left and again returns it shows the high score of the user. You must need an internet connection for using this app. You will learn new skills in this code. This project will be productive for you. Download the project and use the code by yourself.

How to use this project?

  • Download the project.
  • Get the code.
  • Open android studio IDE.
  • Set up the project.
  • Execute the code.
  • Play the quiz and get high score.
  • Enjoy!