Drawing app in JavaScript

Drawing app in JavaScript


Drawing app is a simple drawing-based web project. This allows you to draw anything on your screen. It is built using programs like, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3.

In this project, we are building a drawing app. This is one of the awesome project out there. This project is using html canvas which creates a square box or drawing area. It is simple and easy to use. It has a background color and a square box drawing layout. You must use your mouse button to draw.

The project drawing app has function to control the thickness of the pointer. You can see a square box with footer. The footer has some control buttons. Such as clear, increase and decrease. It further includes a color picker where you can pick any type of colors. Have a look at the screenshot below.

drawing app

Building the project

HTML is used for placing elements on the screen. We are using html5 canvas. Canvas is a rectangular box that lets us to draw graphics via JavaScript. CSS is used for styling and JavaScript for making it more functional. It is a web project so everything you add will appear on your web screen. For drawing, mouse events are added.

When you click and drag your mouse pointer on the screen and you can draw. An event listener is used in buttons that perform special tasks. You can draw whatever you want. The project has a good user-friendly interface and easy to interact with. Download the project and get experienced by yourself.

How to use his project drawing app?

  • Download the project & extract the source code.
  • Set up an editor or IDE. (vs code, sublime, atom)
  • Open the project folder on the editor.
  • Launch the program in the browser. (chrome, firefox)
  • Draw your first sketch.
  • Enjoy & Share

Click the button below to get the source code for this project.

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