Connect ball game is a multiplayer puzzle game made in python. The objective of this game is to connect four balls of the same color and win.
Connect ball game is created using python programming language. In this project, we are actually creating a connect four game using graphical user interface. We are using pygame GUI library for building our project. The game has a simple interface with grid board of dark circles where you must drop a red and yellow ball. You must use mouse to place the ball on the board. It is a multiplayer game played between two players.
The player must make a connection of same ball color four times horizontally, vertically, diagonally will win. When you hover over the board and drop the circle will drop on its place. There are red and yellow circles as a player. You must drop the ball turn by turn. The first player to make four dots will win. You will see a winning message as player1 or player2 wins. It is an intermediate-level project. See the screenshot below.

How to use this connect ball project?
- Download the project and extract the folder.
- Open the project folder in editor or IDE. (pycharm, vscode)
- Execute the project.
- Play the game.
- Enjoy and share
Click the button below to get the source code for this connect ball project.