Tkinter canvas
Introduction What is a canvas? A canvas is a rectangular area for creating drawings and other complex layouts. You can create geometric shapes or insert images.
Introduction Best WordPress plugins are the most useful plugins. These plugins very useful for carrying our daily works. WP plugins are easy to use and manage.
Introduction A scrum is an agile framework useful for solving complex problems. It provides productively and creatively delivering products at highest value possible.
Introduction Map marker is a python turtle-based project. Map marker project marks the country name on the map. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction The ultimate T-Rex game project is a python game-based project. This project is coded in python programming language. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Notepad project is a simple text editor using python GUI. This project is coded in a python programming language. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Average height is a programming exercise in python. This program finds the average height from various numbers of heights entered.
Introduction Ping pong is a game based python project made using turtle library. It is the famous ping pong multiplayer game played between two players.
Introduction Clock is a tkinter based python project. Clock project uses tkinter python library that provides a graphical user interface. It is easy to use and implement.
Introduction Odd or even is a python based programming project. This program checks whether the number entered is even or odd.