A Spirograph is a geometric drawing device that is used to draw a pattern of cyclical curved lines. We can create our own Spirograph device using python turtles.
A Spirograph is a very interesting geometrical figure that has different colors. They are a bunch of circles overlapping each other and forming in a circular structure. In this tutorial, we are creating a spriograph drawing using python turtle graphics. Turtle graphics is a fun way of learning programming and using graphics in python programming. For creating a spriograph, we must import turtle, random library etc. See the code below.
import turtle as t import random tim = t.Turtle() t.colormode(255) def random_color(): r = random.randint(0, 255) g = random.randint(0, 255) b = random.randint(0, 255) color = (r, g, b) return color tim.speed("fastest") def draw_spiograph(size_of_gap): for _ in range(int(360 / size_of_gap)): tim.color(random_color()) tim.setheading(tim.heading() - size_of_gap) draw_spiograph(5) screen = t.Screen() screen.exitonclick()

How to use this Spirograph project?
- Copy the code and paste in your editor.
- Execute the code.
- See the output making.
- Enjoy and share.