Quizzes in C with source code

Quizzes in C with source code


Quizzes project is a very popular mind sport or game. This project quizzes is based on a quiz game. There are different types of quiz in this world. It is a competition in which you answer questions.

This quiz project is coded in C programming language. A quiz is a small test consisting of a few short questions. They are especially multiple choice question. The respondent has to pick right answer within given time. Quizzes is a very useful project. It is full of enjoyment. This project has user-friendly interface. Although it has a command interface. The user will feel easy while using it.

It is very useful for beginners and professionals. The project generally asks different questions on various topic. You should download the project before use. Compiling the code is necessary before executing. The welcome page shows certain instructions about the game. There are four options. The image below is a simple welcome page.


Start the project quizzes

First to start the game. Second is to view the high score. Third for help and fourth for quitting the program. Quizzes stores high score in file.txt file. While starting the quiz you must provide your name. The game start automatically when you type your name. The project uses else if conditions for decision making. Switch statement are also implemented and many other functions.

The project is simple and easy to understand.  This project is developed with a goal for increasing skill. Most people think that c program is hard. You will not find any error while using this project. This project is open source and free to use. I recommend using Dev C++ editor. Download the project and get experienced by yourself.

How to use the project?

  • Download the project.
  • Get the software Dev-C++. 
  • Set up the code.
  • Compile and execute the code.
  • Play the game.
  • Enjoy!

Click the button below to get the source code of this quizzes project.