Content Management System in PHP with Source code

Content Management System in PHP with Source code


Content management system project is a web-based project. It includes both front-end and back-end functionality. It is easy to use and implement.

Content management system is also known as CMS system. It is fully coded in PHP. This CMS was made using Bootstrap template. Adding PHP makes it more functional. The user can view both user site and admin site just as WordPress. You can easily post your blogs using admin site.

And also you can view the posted blog on user’s site or front site. This CMS is responsive from small to large device. A CMS is software useful for managing the digital content. In this project only admin is can login to the admin console. Admin has the right to choose the role for the users. See some output of content management system below.

  • content management system-4

Content management system frontend

The front site has a similar layout as a regular site. It has a fixed navigation bar with menu items. The page shows blogs post. Each post has a heading, post name, author, date, image and content. On the right side it has a search engine. You can search post using this search option. Login layout has login form. You can login using username and password. Only admin can login to the admin panel. The categories layout is just below the login layout. Items of category takes you to the specific page.

Content management system backend

The backend site has a similar layout as a admin panel of WordPress site. You must login to the admin panel to assess the admin site. The admin has some menus. Dashboard page has some card layout which details about page, user, comment and categories. Post menu has two sub menu. One to add the post and another for viewing post. You must provide all the information while posting your blogs. You can edit, update, delete your post. After you post your blog will appear at home site. You can add categories for your blogs.

The comment option is useful for approving and unapproving the comment.  You can delete the comment if necessary. The user menu has sub menu. You can add user and view user. User role can be change by admin. If you are logged in as admin you can change the user role. This is a fun project. Lots of functionality. The profile menu is useful for updating the profile of the logged in user. You can logged out from the system. It is very useful for beginner and professionals as well. Download the project and get experienced by yourself. 

How to use this project?

  • Download the project and extract the folder.
  • Copy and Paste the folder into your local server (XAMP, WAMP, MAMP).
  • Open the localhost.
  • Create table cms and import the .sql file.
  • Launch project in the browser. (Google Chrome, Mozilla firefox)
  • Use the project. Enjoy!

Click the button below to get the source code for this project.

One comment

  1. Your blog has quickly become my go-to source for reliable information and thought-provoking commentary. I’m constantly recommending it to friends and colleagues. Keep up the excellent work!

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