Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality


Virtual reality or VR is the use of computer modelling and simulation that helps person to interact with a 3 dimensional(3D) environment.

Virtual reality allows person to interact and explore with virtual surrounding that looks real. By sitting in a same place you will be able to explore different environments. The environment is created using computer hardware and software, also you might have to wear a googles, headsets or safety tools before use it. You can imagine and feel like a real environment. Such as playing games, exploring nature, horror effect, etc.

Virtual reality creates an illusion on human mind forcing them to feel like real time environment. Wearing a VR headset enables a person to see the environment in four directions. VR is often focus on gaming industry as it can take it to another level of gaming. In education, VR can take students to virtual fields trip. Also students can perform medical surgery using VR. Architect and engineers can design models and houses using VR.

virtual reality

If there happen some kind of dangerous virus outcome like covid, using VR we can definitely attend our class and give practical exams. Such as complex medical surgery, 3d models, building roads, house designs, etc. Using VR the education price might be quite less expensive because we can get all the tools in a software. But VR devices are not affordable for everyone. Using VR might be very easy in solving complex problems.

Despite having many advantages VR also has some challenges. As long time wearing headset user may feel eye discomfort. Also it is expensive and time consuming as user might forget what he is doing all day using VR he might lost in his own 3D world. Also creating a good quality VR environment might be more time consuming and expensive which everyone cannot afford. There might arises VR addiction and psychology effect spending more time in virtual environment.

Types of Virtual Reality

Non-Immersive Virtual Reality

This type of reality does not require specialized VR devices. User interact with this environment using computer mouse, keyboard, or any game controller. This experience is typically displayed on a screen enabling object to move in 3D environment and directions.

Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality

This category provides a middle ground between non-immersive and fully immersive experiences. Users can interact with a environment while still being not touching any physical surroundings. This type often employs VR glasses or projectors to create a more engaging experience

Fully Immersive Virtual Reality

The most advance reality and the real virtual reality. It requires equipment’s like VR headsets, gloves, sensors, safety measures etc. This technology engages multiple sense for providing a realistic experience that can make user feel like in real environment. It allows user to walk, run, talk with a virtual person, drive and many more like in real environment.

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