What is Firebase?

What is Firebase?


Firebase is a real-time database for creating cross-platform mobile and web applications. Firebase is developed by google. It is all in one product, easy to use and implement.

Firebase was originally an independent company founded in 2011. Later it was acquired by Google in 2014. Now it is a google company. Firebase provides a backend service that deals with databases. It is a real-time database which is a cloud-hosted database.  Data is stored as JSON and synchronized in real time to every connected client. When you build any cross platform apps, your clients will automatically receive live updates and latest data.

Firebase is a collection of development tools for building applications. The developers who are relying on this platform get access to services that they would have to develop themselves, and it enables them to lay focus on delivering robust application experiences. This platform is fast and reliable.  


Why choose Firebase?

Firebase is a complete package for development. It is an upgrade for traditional process. It has Rich technical documentation, Easy and quick set-up, In-built database, JSON storage data, No custom code, Backup upload directly to Google cloud storage and many more. Firebase understands the importance of backend development and assists you in the process of development. Overall to build a good product in less time, you must integrate with firebase.

Some features of firebase

  • The dashboard is easy to control.
  • It provides real time data management.
  • The user-generated content like photos and videos is stored directly into the cloud-storage.
  • Cloud messaging facilitates developers to provide push notifications.
  • It has a huge developer’s community.
  • Crash reporting feature creates reports on the error occurred in your app.
  • It provides an awesome user experience across different platforms with dynamic links.

Firebase products

The products can be grouped into three categories. Build, release & monitor, and grow.

Products that build

  • Cloud firebase
  • Real-time database
  • Authentication
  • Cloud storage
  • Hosting
  • Firebase ML
  • Cloud functions

Products that release and monitor

  • Crashlytics
  • Google analytics
  • Remote config
  • Performance monitoring
  • Test lab
  • App distribution

Products that engage

  • Predections
  • Cloud messaging 
  • Dynamic links
  • In-app messaging

Popular apps using this platform

  • Alibaba
  • Aliexpress
  • Code academy
  • Citrix
  • Coder pad
  • Etoro
  • Twitch
  • Rubbish
  • Roll20


  • Huge storage and serverless service.
  • Free to start and powered by google.
  • End-to-end app development platform.
  • It offers machine learning capabilities.
  • Generates traffic to your apps.
  • Requirement for server infrastructure is not required.
  • Error monitoring and security.
  • Realtime data and ready-made api.
  • Access to files, data, auth is quick and easy.


  • The data authority is not yours.
  • It is extremely difficult to manage data migration using Firebase because it uses JSON.
  • Firebase is not capable of handling complex queries.
  • Firebase database caches data in memory which makes the whole process slow. 
  • Firebase does not work in many countries.
  • Only NoSQL databases are available.