What is Bootstrap framework?

What is Bootstrap framework?


Bootstrap framework is the most popular and open-source CSS framework. It is used for developing high-end responsive websites for small and large devices.

How to get started with Bootstrap?

To get started with bootstrap you must know basic knowledge about front-end development. You must learn to implement bootstrap. You must understand HTML, CSS, Javascript, and the flow of Bootstrap. You can use it online and offline. For using bootstrap offline, you need to download bootstrap in your project folder. Now you must link the bootstrap and its library in HTML page. While using online you must use Bootstrtap cdn, from where you can access the features. Further, you can install it using command line also.

Features of Bootstrap framework

  • Easy to use and implement.
  • Responsive and browser compatible.
  • Easy customizable.
  • Huge collection of icons and templates.
  • Base styling for HTML elements.
  • Pre-styled components.
  • Great grid system.
  • Proper Documentation.
  • Mobile friendly.

Advantage of Bootstrap

  • Speed development and saves time.
  • Helps in avoiding cross-browser bugs.
  • Full features and maintained codebase.
  • An excellent grid system.
  • Bootstrap encourages consistency.

Disadvantage of Bootstrap

  • Your project can be heavy.
  • Has a learning curve to learn the workflow.
  • Requires a lot of style override.
  • It is just CSS.
  • Most of the plugins are unused.
  • Non-compliant HTML.