Agile manifesto

Agile manifesto


The agile manifesto is a document that identifies 4 key values and 12 principles.  These principles focus on customer satisfaction, collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement. 

It was produced by 17 developers on 2001, at snowbird ski resort in utah. The document was called the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. This document consists of 4 Agile Values and 12 Agile Principles, emphasizing collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. These 12 principles and 4 agile values provide a guide to Software Developers

4 core values of agile manifesto

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  • Responding to change over following a plan.

12 principles of agile manifesto

  • Customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery.
  • Accepting changing requirements even when late in development.
  • Deliver working software frequently.
  • Collaboration between business stakeholders and developers.
  • Build projects around motivated individuals.
  • Communicating face-to-face regularly.
  • Using completed work to measure progress.
  • Creating processes that promote sustainable efforts and a constant pace of work.
  • Requiring continuous attention to excellence through good design.
  • Encouraging simplicity.
  • Recognizing that the best work emerges from self-organized teams that deliver the best architectures and designs.
  • Reflecting regularly on how the team can be more effective and fine-tuning and adjusting the approach.