Web designers and developers

Web designers and developers


Web designers and developers are an essential part of website development. Designers use graphic design tools. Developers use programming codes.

Web designer designs a website while web developer build website. Before developing a website, it needs to be well-designed. Design comes first and develop comes second. Web designers and developers are always useful for software development in a positive way. You can work as a designer or developer or do both. If you don’t understand coding, you can be a designer. And you know coding pretty well you can be developer. Let’s talk about web designers and developers.

Web designers and developers

Web designers and developers are different. Designers are graphic artists who designs the look of the website. Designer uses advance software tool for designing. They also use graphic design tools like illustrator, Photoshop…and many others. Web designers does not engage with coding.

They only design digital interfaces. Designers must design many so that they can choose the right one. A web designer must understand the true concept of designing. Designer works at the requirements of the client. The designer must understand some skills. Such as branding, color, format, responsive design, interaction design, funnel development etc.

Types of designers

UX (User Experience) designer

  • UX refers to interaction between human users with a product.
  • Focuses on the user’s desire and feel.
  • UX focus on user journey to solve problem.

UI (User Interface) designer

  • Design with professional design tools.
  • They design the look of the product.
  • Focuses on how a user interact with the interface.

Web developers

Web developers are programmers who applies functionality in design. Developer does not proceed unless they get the design of a product. Theydo not design. Developers breaks design into small parts and start coding. The collaboration of designer and developer leads to the finishing of the product. Developers uses developing tools like IDE, code editors and other testing tools. They must develop along with the design. Web developers requires coding skills. Such as HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, JS, libraries and frameworks. There are different types of web developer.

Types of developers

Front-end developer

  • They code using HTML, CSS and JS.
  • Responsible for coding the front side only.
  • Develops the user interface.

Back-end developer

  • Use back-end programming like PHP, MySQL, Python, .NET.
  • Provides the functionality for the website.
  • Interacts with database and server. Develops, test, and debug the build system.

Full stack developer

  • Performs with both front end and back-end programming.
  • They must have more programming knowledge.
  • Expert programmers are full stack developers.