Frontend and backend development is the essential part of the app or web development. You can either learn frontend, backend, or learn both.
The person who knows both frontend and backend development is referred as a full stack developer. If you want to pursue your career as a developer, you must understand the core differences between frontend and backend development. Learning frontend and backend development is fun. You can turn your imagination into reality. You would be able to use many features useful for development. Frontend and backend give you the power of development.
Frontend and backend
What is front end development?
Frontend development refers to user interface development. The developers develop the user interface of the website. Frontend development means creating the front part of the website where the user interacts. Frontend also referred as the client-side development. Frontend development is building the layout, using good fonts, colors, attractive design etc.
The more attractive the better the interface. First part is designing the frontend before developing. Designers design the website using different software tools. Such as photoshop, illustrator…. etc. After designing the developer uses programming like HTML, CSS, JS, SASS, JQuery, and frameworks.
There are many good frontend frameworks. Some of them are Bootstrap, Materialize CSS, Semantics UI, Vue, Angular…etc. Frontend develolpers must have technical skills. Such as creativity, adaptability, good communication, team work, and time management. Frontend developers are in high demand. Any interface you see on website is frontend.
Frontend development skills
- Knowledge of frontend development languages
- Knowledge about responsive web frameworks
- Communication skills with the client
- Able to debug and adopt the environment
- Designing skills
What is backend development?
Backend development refers to the core functionality of the website. Backend developer is a programmer who makes website alive. Backend developer uses programming logic and makes the website work. Such as how button works. When a user press button certain activity takes place performing a task.
Singing up providing details information and logging to the system is the best example of backend development. The backend has three parts that user cannot see. i.e. Server, database and application. A backend developer builds and maintains the technology that power the component for a website.
Backend and frontend together build a perfect working website or software. Backend adds utility to the frontend. You cannot see the backend but you can feel while using it. Backend developers uses programming like PHP, Ruby, JS, C, C++, C, Java, etc. They further use database tools like MySQL, Oracle, SQL server, Maria DB… etc.
Backend development skills
- Write the complex code for the application
- Manage the technology
- Some knowledge about frontend
- Able to manage the security
- Problem solving and communication
- Able to work with teams
- Software engineering concepts